Its my eighth post ! granted its not the tenth yet o_O (well, usually tenth or fifteen or twentieth anniversary wan ma) But, I think it is a great achievement compared to my co-authors XD Dudes its 8:1:0 ratio right now ! 8 for Jeff and 1 for Vernon and zero for Lim ! *ting ting ting* Jeff is leading by a mile here ! I know I told you guys to take your time, but I didn't say to take your freaking whole lifetime to write out one single post ! Come on ! keep up with the pace ! everybody is awaiting your entries/stories, it ain't no one man show ya know XD
Now thats out of the way, something actually happened last friday, take a look at this,
Was having an outing with Khang Hau and Hin Giap the other day, before heading home, we went into M.P.H bookstores, as usual to us, the books there are just for decorations as they were too expensive and we weren't exactly the book reading type XD, I realized I had to get ammunition ( this word even appropriate ? ) for my mechanical pencil so we were looking high and low and my friends finally pointed me to this lead, I took it, fiddled it in my hand like I usually love to do to my pencil/flash drive, and then we continued our window shopping, going downstairs, to the magazine section and such.
While we were done browsing ( All were plastic packaged anyway couldn't browse, not even one copy T_T) then we proceeded to leave. Right after we stepped out of MPH, someone tapped my back !
*was thinking which friend so lucky bump into me WAHAHAHAHA*
then it was this big-sized slightly plump uncle
*Wait, I don't remember befriending you from ANYWHERE !*
He wrapped his arm around me shoulder and directed me to walk with and started leading me somewhere. Then I realized
*Shit, I have not paid for my lead ! and...why the HECK IS IT IN MY POCKET OMG*
Staying calm, I realized I must have subconsciously slipped the lead to into my pocket and...had forgotten about it. Then of course, I decided to tell the truth as it is always the best way out of an misunderstood situation.
Then I was lead into this pretty big messy room/store room/stock room with a small office for the security people I guess, but they were clad in normal clothes, unlike those standing at the entrance.
they told me to empty my pocket, so I took out everything (wallet/flash drive/phone/"subconsciously stolen lead"). Then of course, they started to drill me, accusing me of stealing the lead, of then which I explained from my position, which I unintentionally put the lead into my pocket, It was a long day and I had small stuff like flash drives which I occasionally would slip into my pocket to keep it safe cuz its really easy to lose such a small thing. So, therefore, due to that habit, I must have done it to the lead too.
However, of course, they didn't give in to my explanation XD and stereotyped that all thiefs would generally give that same statement I gave. Besides, he said he'd been following me and saw me put the lead into my pocket. ( oh crap ! now it really looked like I stole it)
*so, it means whatever I explain would not have any effect lah, they seem dead on that I stole the lead*
they even told me they had to report me to the police o_O so I said what ? its just a small matter, here, I'll pay for it *but of course I had a feeling they won't let me off so easily lah* then another guy pointed at the police hotline poster and raised his voice, and said something along the lines of
An offence is an offence, we will have to report you ! its part of our procedure !
*Oh....okay XD that way I can't do anything ! they seem to love to follow their procedures, so they are dead on that I have to be reported to the okay, can't do anything if you wanna report then....okay lor, nothing much I can say, I already explained my position*
*But it didn't occur to me that I cannot have a criminal case or I won't be able to go to Adelaide next year, if I'm convicted of stealing lah*
I wasn't gonna steep so low and beg for forgiveness and plead to them to let me go this time
If they wanna go to the police station fine I said ! must be my ego doing the thinking, not my brain.
They had me fill out some forms, got all my ten fingerprints o_O for God knows what for (its for the procedure again), probably to dust for my fingerprints CSI style if any buncho leads are stolen in the future. XD
Called my dad,
Me : Uhhh dad, I ...accidentally stole something XD
Dad : *pause for few seconds* ? (he didn't understand lol)
Then I explained to him in detail and told me If I could, try not to get a police case cuz then my transfer to australia would be affected, and...he wanted to talk to the manager.
*....Oops, why didn't I think of that ?*
*Uhh....but, its okay, I'll do the talking with the manager instead....I can handle this*
Gonna 20 adi, time to face these stuff me self !
Then I asked for the manager, but first they had to take a picture of me HOLDING THE LEAD omg, of course I stopped him and ask what in heavens was this for, Oh guess what, its for their filing, must be part of their "procedure"
-.- fine, So I gave the camera the best smile I could XD
scary thing is...around me there were pin-up boards with articles of stolen items, one of the headings guy who stole 300/or 400 pens I think, can't remember, now THATS a theft ! There were pictures of a thief too, I guess I was just adding to the Wall of Fame. =P
While I was waiting for the manager, they needed my IC to file some stuff so....I was also filling up their forms while the guy who pulled me in was looking at my IC, I can't recall the whole conversation but I think it was something like this :
Him : 89 ?...*looking at the IC*...what are you ? 14? 15?
*to put him out of his misery*
Me : I'm 20 -___-|||
I think it went like that la, my memory is all fuzzy adi
So the manager came, finally ! then asked what happened, I had to explain the WHOLE thing again, then he said "Its still an offence." giving the "Oh I've heard this so many times and you are wasting my time" Face.
Then of course I rebutted by saying, of course I know its an offence, I did not say you're wrong in saying so, from the outlook it does look that I'm stole the lead, I apologize, however, I did not do it with Intention, I did it unintentionally. Stressing it was unintentional XD Thank God Intro to Law and CPL is useful in these situations ! cuz intention makes a whole lot difference in deciding whether a person is guilty or not.
Finally, the manager let me off the hook, but insist on filing it as a case for their own use, but a police report will not be lodged.
FINALLY ! then I took out money to pay for the lead
Then one guy turned all goody goody and told me they had to do whatever they did because just in case, in the future, they don't want me go around stealing something bigger than this. o_O
SO...according to him, next time I might try stealing...
a microwave
And as a result, I'm BANNED from entering from all MPH bookstores from now on, the guy said my picture would be sent to all MPH bookstores, wow I'm gonna be famous ! for the wrong reasons of course, I asked the manager again to confirm that I was not hallucinating when the other guy said I'm banned.
Me : so, I can't enter into any MPH bookstores forever ?
Manager : That is part of the procedure... lah !
*oh....where have I heard that again ?*
Me : oh okay
I then proceeded to thank the gentlemen and walked out where my friends were waiting, Thank God they didn't involve my friends.
All this, just because of an 80 cent Buncho lead.
Question is, would I want to go to a major bookstore like MPH that is equipped with CCTV just to steal an 80 cent lead? I must be really thick to do something like that, If I were to steal, I would go to an unknown stationary shop to do so.
But banning me ? do they think they could ban all the theives in the world so no MPH would get theft cases ? sounds like something a kid would do, I wonder which naive policy maker they have in their organization. Granted I don't shop in MPH XD so I'm pretty fine with it, if popular banned me I would be :(
Not to mention, they were the ones that did this too :
MPH, Popular, Harris and Times at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur at 4pm announced that they would not sell Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in protest against Carrefour and Tesco selling the book at a hefty discount.
The recommended retail price of RM109.90 is being violated by hypermarkets advertising and selling it at RM69.90, the bookstores said.
“This means the book will no longer be available for sale at these stores nationwide from tomorrow (Saturday) following the worldwide release,”
“All events related to Harry Potter will be cancelled,”
“All events related to Harry Potter will be cancelled,”
What a dick move, sounds like a sourgrapes to me o_O, only pre-orders would be layan-ed, talk about snatching the magic from the poor kids who didn't pre-order! If I remember correctly, in the end they started selling again anyway.
So conclusion is, can't step in MPH anymore, hahahaha which is immaterial to me lah, doesn't make much of a difference. Now, to remember to pay for stuff when I'm in Popular XD
Its no doubt my carelessness, gotta be careful from now on, interesting but waste of time experience.
Now to sum up my post with a song...again,
You Know I'm Banned, I'm Banned !
You Know It, You Know
(Banned Banned-Really, Really Banned !)
And The Whole World Has To
Answer Right Now
Just To Tell You Once Again,
Who's Banned? . . .
(Adapted from Michael Jackson's - Bad)
Ish, embedding for this video is not allowed so, watch here !
Did I mention how much I love this MV ? and the dance cheoreography is just awesome !
I think if I had the money, I would take them all home.
Then the other day we went karaoke again ! here are some pics !
Girls, if you want any particular picture to be taken down, do tell me.
Now, on that day, something happened, But I'm sure everything will be alright soon so I'm gonna say this ahead of time, I apologize for leaving you behind so that we could karaoke, We will always regard you as our true friend, but we might not be your ideal friend, because we are not the perfect friends in your eyes, occasionally we do point out each other's mistakes, not because we regard ourselves as the more superior ones but after 3 long years, we have a clearer understanding of each other's behaviour with a better perspective, hope you will understand ! LABS shall be re-united again ! lots of love ! Phew, everything is out, I feel much better.
-Jeff the Bubbly XD-
P.S. I'm going to T-music Festival tomorrow ! DAVID TAO & KHALIL FONG ! YESSS ! *jumps up and down* and Happy Birthday to my beloved sis !
-Jeff the Bubbly XD-
P.S. I'm going to T-music Festival tomorrow ! DAVID TAO & KHALIL FONG ! YESSS ! *jumps up and down* and Happy Birthday to my beloved sis !
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