Monday, July 13, 2009

Finally got it started ! ITS ALIVE !

First post yo ! finally got it started lor ! thanks to my good friends, procrastination and exams we had a late blog opening, but fear no more ! it is now officially open ! AGENT V ! AGENT L ! time to spread Lamenism throughout the cyberspace ! XD

But of course the aim of this blog is to keep in touch la, especially Agent L XD as ...he is probably lost, I'm afraid, somewhere in Africa? communcation has been lost since February 15th 2009.

Agent V ! your first task is to find Agent L and bring him back here ! lol, this shall be our HQ from now on *evil smirk*

anyways, I actually thought of a good name for the blog, but for some reason I ..forgot what it was when I finally got to edit this blog. so Sorry ! so "Just Being Lame" would be the new temporary name right now, feel free to pitch any recommendations for a new name !

as for latest updates, Well, exams over, then we went Taman Negara at Pahang, me Elaine, Jessica and Thiam Ping only, Shannon was supposed to go but has something to do at the eleventh hour, so she could not come. Pics at Facebook ! but here are some of my favourites !

be sure to check out the rest in Facebook ! put alot of sweat and blood to taking these photos kay lol

and of course, recently, we went to :

Jeng Jeng ! had a great time thanks to Shannon and Reuben lol

The Four Gorgeous Ladies ^_^
Overall, MOS was pretty fun, some music dunno lar, so some part okay okay lol some part nice, especially the Michael Jackson Tribute part lol we had a great time
Haha, thats about it now ! tata, Agent J Signing off ! will blog when I have the time, and Get Agent L on board ya ?

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